The 10 biggest advantages of B2B Customer Self-Ordering Systems

Posted in B2B sales & distribution.

Today, many businesses use new technology to keep up with trends. This means many businesses are now turning to tools that help them keep up with industry trends and improve their operations.

One such tool that is gaining popularity is the B2B customer self-ordering system.

A B2B customer self-ordering system is designed to make the ordering process more straightforward and efficient. It allows customers to place their orders directly through an automated system, offering numerous benefits for both businesses and their clients.

Here are the top ten advantages of using a B2B customer self-ordering system:

1. Better order accuracy

A big benefit of a B2B customer self-ordering system is improved accuracy in orders. When customers place orders directly through an automated system, there is less room for human error.

Traditional manual methods, such as phone or email orders, are prone to mistakes like wrong product codes or incorrect quantities. A self-ordering system allows customers to choose exactly what they need from a user-friendly interface, ensuring precise and correct orders.

For example, imagine a distributor of engineering supplies. After introducing a self-ordering system, they might see fewer order errors. With fewer errors, the need for returns and exchanges might decrease, leading to happier customers and better resource management.

2. Faster order processing

Speed is very important in business. A self-ordering system speeds up order processing. Manual order methods involve multiple steps, such as human data entry, confirmation, and back-and-forth communication. These steps can delay the processing time.

An automated system reduces these steps, allowing businesses to receive, confirm, and fulfil orders quickly. This leads to faster delivery and improves customer satisfaction.

For example, consider a hypothetical wholesale food supplier. Before adopting a self-ordering system, their order processing might take 24 hours. With the self-ordering system, processing time could drop to just a few hours, allowing them to deliver products faster and increase customer loyalty.

3. Better customer experience

A simple and easy ordering process enhances the customer experience. Self-ordering systems provide an easy-to-use platform. Customers can browse products, view detailed descriptions, see images, and place orders with ease.

The system often remembers previous orders, enabling customers to reorder frequently purchased items quickly. This convenience improves customer satisfaction and builds loyalty.

For example, a medical supplies company could find that customers appreciate the ability to order critical supplies quickly without having to navigate through complex ordering procedures. This could result in an increase in repeat orders.

4. 24/7 Availability

Another big advantage of B2B customer self-ordering systems is their 24/7 availability. Businesses are not restricted by office hours or time zones. Customers can place orders at their convenience, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night.

This round-the-clock accessibility ensures that businesses do not miss out on potential orders just because their office is closed.

Let’s take an industrial machinery wholesaler as an example. Their clients often work outside standard business hours. The 24/7 availability of the self-ordering system could lead to an increase in order frequency as clients can place orders anytime.

5. Easier inventory management

The self-ordering system connects directly with the business’s inventory management system. This real-time connection shows current stock levels to customers.

It reduces the chances of selling out-of-stock items. It also makes updating inventory levels easier. This helps manage stock and reorder when necessary.

Imagine a parts supplier for the automotive industry. In this scenario, integrating their self-ordering system with inventory management could reduce stockouts. It would improve their ability to fulfil customer orders quickly.

6. Lower administrative costs

Order processing involves many administrative tasks that take time and resources. A self-ordering system reduces the need for manual work like phone orders, data entry, and email follow-ups.

This reduction lowers administrative costs, allowing the business to invest resources in other important areas like product development or customer service.

Imagine a regional beverage distributor. After using a B2B self-ordering system, they might see lower administrative costs. They could redirect these savings towards marketing efforts, which could lead to increased market share.

7. More orders

Self-ordering systems encourage customers to place more orders. The ease and simplicity of placing orders without long communication motivate customers to buy more often and in larger quantities.

This increase in order volume can directly boost a company’s revenue.

Consider an electronics wholesaler. Hypothetically, within six months of launching their self-ordering system, they could experience an increase in order volume. Customers might find it easier and quicker to place bulk orders, contributing to a significant revenue boost.

8. Better data collection

A B2B customer self-ordering system collects valuable data. This includes customer behaviour, preferences, and buying patterns. Businesses can analyse this data to understand customer needs. This helps improve product offerings. The data also helps create targeted marketing strategies, making customer experiences better.

Imagine a chemical supplies company. By using data from their self-ordering system, they could identify high-demand products. They would adjust their marketing and stock levels accordingly. This could result in higher sales.

9. Helps future planning

The data collected through self-ordering systems can help in future planning. By analysing order trends and customer preferences, businesses can make informed decisions about stock levels, product additions, and promotions. This forecasting capability helps in staying ahead of customer demand and efficiently managing resources.

Consider a furniture wholesaler in a hypothetical scenario. They could use data trends from their self-ordering system to predict peak order periods. This predictive capability would allow them to manage stock effectively. While also meeting customer demand quickly and effectively, reducing stockouts.

10. Environmentally friendly

Self-ordering systems support environmentally friendly operations. They reduce the need for paper-based orders and manual processes. Digital methods also lower the carbon footprint linked to traditional order processing and shipping documentation. As more companies aim to adopt sustainable practices, a self-ordering system can help achieve greener business operations.

Imagine an office supplies distributor. By shifting to an automated self-ordering system, they could reduce their paper usage by a significant amount. This change would not only cut down costs but also support their green initiatives, appealing to eco-conscious clients.

Case study: Limagrain

Case studies show real examples of how businesses benefit from B2B self-ordering systems. Let’s look at a case study of Limagrain, a global seed company, and their experience with Onsight.

Limagrain faced significant challenges with their order process, which relied on phone calls and paperwork. This method was slow and prone to errors. To address these problems, Limagrain started using Onsight, a B2B customer self-ordering system.

The results were impressive. First, order accuracy improved greatly because customers placed orders directly. This reduced mistakes and made customers happier as they received the correct products.

Order processing became much faster. The automated system streamlined the workflow, allowing customers to receive their seeds more quickly. This increased customer satisfaction.

Better inventory management was another key benefit. The self-ordering system showed real-time stock levels to customers, which reduced the risk of overselling. This allowed Limagrain to manage their stock more effectively and plan better for future orders.

Limagrain also saw lower administrative costs. The automation reduced the need for manual work, freeing up staff to focus on other important tasks. This saved time and money.

The system’s 24/7 availability was a major advantage. Customers could place orders at any time, which increased the frequency and volume of orders, especially from those in different time zones.

The easy-to-use interface encouraged more orders. Customers found it simple to browse, select, and purchase products, leading to a significant boost in Limagrain’s revenue.

Overall, Limagrain’s experience highlights the many benefits of adopting a B2B customer self-ordering system. They achieved faster and more accurate order processing, better inventory management, reduced costs, and increased sales. This made their operations more efficient and profitable.

To sum it up

Adding a B2B customer self-ordering system is a smart move. It offers many benefits while allowing customers to control their orders, making them happy and loyal. Businesses save on administrative costs, manage inventory better, and get more sales.

Initially, investing in the system and training might seem costly. But the long-term benefits will outweigh the costs. Businesses using B2B customer self-ordering systems can meet market demands better, improve customer relations, and optimise operations.

In conclusion, the future of B2B transactions is using technology that simplifies processes and improves customer interactions. A B2B customer self-ordering system is one such tool. It offers many advantages that can help businesses succeed. As more companies realise these benefits, self-ordering systems will likely become common in B2B operations.

Onsight offers a user-friendly B2B customer self-ordering system designed to improve order accuracy and speed up processing. This tool benefits various industries by making order management simpler and more efficient. Interested in how it works? Sign up for a free trial to see how we can support your business operations.