Top 5 challenges in wholesale distribution and how to solve them

Posted in B2B sales & distribution.

Wholesale distribution businesses operate in a space that often presents a unique set of challenges. Running a business like this means you have to understand the market and have the ability to adapt to shifting situations.

Let’s look at five common challenges wholesale distributors face and how they can manage these issues, with a focus on practical solutions and the use of technology.

Challenge 1: Inventory management

One of the most pressing issues for wholesale distributors is managing inventory effectively. Distributors often handle a wide variety of products, making it difficult to track stock levels accurately.

Whether it is overstocking, leading to higher holding costs, or stockouts, which can result in lost sales, managing inventory can feel like walking a tightrope. A report by Invenio Solutions suggests that using such systems can reduce inventory costs by up to 20% through improved accuracy and efficiency.

The solution lies in adopting inventory management software that provides real-time visibility into stock levels. Unlike basic spreadsheets, dedicated software offers features like demand forecasting, automated stock alerts, and reporting tools.

This can help distributors make informed decisions about restocking and optimise their order quantities based on actual demand rather than guesswork.
Equipping your sales team with mobile tools to take orders digitally can also make a huge difference. For instance, by integrating a sales app like Onsight with your inventory management system, your sales reps can check current stock availability in real time.

Plus, once an order is processed, stock levels can update automatically, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.

Another practical approach to inventory management is implementing a systematic categorisation of products. Distributors might consider using the ABC analysis method, where they classify products into three categories based on their sales volume.

This classification helps focus attention on high-turnover items while managing lower-turnover products with a different strategy.

Challenge 2: Customer relationship management

Building and maintaining strong relationships with customers is crucial for wholesale distributors. However, managing these relationships often proves challenging due to the large number of clients, varying needs, and expectations.

Distributors might find themselves dealing with fragmented customer information across different platforms, leading to miscommunication and lost orders.

A robust customer relationship management (CRM) system can significantly improve this aspect of the business. Many modern CRM systems allow distributors to keep track of all customer interactions, preferences, and purchase histories in one place.

This centralisation helps distributors personalise their services, follow up effectively, and respond to customer inquiries more promptly. When customers feel valued, they are more likely to remain loyal.

Sales apps can also play a crucial role in enhancing customer relationships. These applications can provide sales teams with mobile access to customer data while on the go, allowing them to respond to customer needs quickly.

Such immediacy can improve the overall customer experience and contribute to a more responsive service.

Research from HubSpot found that companies using a CRM saw a return on investment of around $8 for every dollar spent, illustrating the financial benefits of a well-utilised customer management approach.

Challenge 3: Logistics and supply chain coordination

The logistics of getting products from suppliers to customers is often more complex than one might expect. Distributors must coordinate various parties, such as manufacturers, transportation companies, and warehouses, to ensure a smooth flow of goods.

Delays in any part of this chain can lead to dissatisfied customers and increased costs. A report by Gartner indicates that using technology in logistics can increase performance levels by over 30%.

To address this challenge, distributors should focus on building strong relationships with reliable logistics partners. This collaboration can result in better communication and quicker problem resolution, which is essential when shipping issues arise.

Moreover, employing technology to monitor and optimise logistics can greatly improve the situation. Track and trace software allows distributors to gain visibility into every step of the supply chain, which can help identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies.

For instance, if a shipment is delayed, distributors can act promptly to inform customers and adjust expectations, thereby maintaining trust.

Additionally, investing in route optimisation tools can help distributors choose the most efficient delivery routes. Just as in inventory management, data-driven decisions here can lead to lower transport costs and quicker deliveries.

Challenge 4: Pricing strategies and competition

Setting the right pricing strategy can be a daunting task for wholesale distributors who often contend with fierce competition and fluctuating costs. If prices are too high, customers may turn to competitors.

If prices are too low, profit margins may dwindle. Striking that balance is not easy.

One effective strategy for distributors is to analyse market prices regularly and understand how their prices stack up against competitors.

This insight can be integrated into a dynamic pricing model that adapts to market changes. By doing so, distributors can remain competitive without compromising their profit margins.

An example from the Harvard Business Review illustrated how adjusting pricing based on market data increased a company’s sales by 20% within a year.
Another facet to consider is the value that products offer. Providing clear information on product advantages can justify higher prices to customers.

This approach shifts the conversation from merely cost to value, helping customers see the benefits of choosing one product over another, ultimately leading to customer retention.

Technology can also offer ways to optimise pricing strategies. Some pricing software integrates with distributors’ existing systems to provide actionable insights based on pricing trends, competitor analysis, and customer behaviour.

By leveraging these insights, distributors can better position their products in the market.

Challenge 5: Regulation and compliance

The wholesale distribution industry often must contend with various regulations concerning product safety, transportation, and environmental standards. Keeping up with these regulations can be challenging and may divert focus from core business operations. Noncompliance can lead to severe penalties, reputational damage, and loss of business.

To tackle this challenge, distributors should invest in training and compliance management systems.

Training ensures that staff remain aware of regulations and requirements while compliance management tools can help track adherence to these standards. These tools can generate reports, schedule audits, and keep records up to date.

Establishing a culture of compliance within the organisation is equally important.

When employees understand the significance of adhering to regulations and feel empowered to share concerns, it fosters an environment of accountability and responsibility.


Wholesale distribution businesses face a range of challenges that can hinder growth and success. However, with the right strategies and tools in place, these challenges can be overcome.

Embracing technology and maintaining strong relationships with customers, suppliers, and logistics partners pave the way for a smoother operation.

Managing inventory effectively, nurturing customer relationships, ensuring efficient logistics, developing competitive pricing strategies, and staying compliant with regulations all contribute to the overall health of a business in this sector.

By prioritising these areas, wholesale distributors can foster a resilient operation and adapt to the ever-changing market conditions.

For wholesalers, it is about taking proactive steps and implementing practical solutions to turn these challenges into opportunities for growth and development.
The future may hold uncertainties, but with a solid foundation, wholesale distributors can navigate, adapt, and flourish.

Managing orders can be challenging for wholesale distributors, and the right tools can make a significant difference. Onsight provides a B2B sales app that simplifies order management while keeping teams connected. With real-time inventory updates and mobile access to customer data, sales reps can engage with clients and make informed decisions on the go. Interested in seeing how a sales app can improve your operations? You can sign up for a free trial.