What are the advantages of sales order management software?

Posted in Apps and mobile devices.

Sales order management often acts as the backbone of a successful business, especially for wholesale distributors. Dealing with a large volume of complex orders requires a good understanding of each phase of the sales order process.

Mastering these areas can really help a business run more smoothly and build better relationships with customers, which are key for any successful distributing company.

It’s also useful to understand this process and how related software can help a business improve how it works and stay ahead in the market.In this blog post, we’ll look at sales order management, talk about its benefits, explore sales order management software, and point out some important features of these systems.

Understanding sales order management

Sales order management involves handling the complete cycle of processes from when a customer places an order to the final delivery of goods and follow-up. It includes several stages such as order recording, inventory management, order fulfilment, and after-sales support.

The main goal is to complete customer orders accurately and quickly while keeping costs down. For wholesale distributors, who often deal with a lot of big and complicated orders, managing this process well can really make a difference in keeping customers happy and making sure the business runs smoothly.

This comprehensive process includes:

Order recording: The accuracy of capturing every detail as the customer places an order is extremely important. Even minor errors at this stage can lead to significant misunderstandings and customer dissatisfaction later.

Inventory management: This is about having the right products in the right quantities at the right time. It prevents common issues such as overstocking of stock outs -having too much stock or not enough- which are especially important in wholesale distribution. Here, the costs of storing goods and having products available can directly affect how much money the business makes.

Order fulfilment:This stage checks how well the order recording and inventory management have been done. It includes collecting, packing, and sending the products. Being quick and accurate here means products get delivered faster, which makes customers happier.

After-sales support: The connection with a customer doesn’t stop after they receive their products. Offering help after a sale, such as dealing with returns or answering questions about the product, is very important. Great service after a sale keeps customers happy and coming back, which is essential for more business in the future.

When you handle each of these stages well, everything runs more smoothly and customers have a better experience. This means orders get processed faster and more accurately, allowing businesses to deal with more orders without needing to massively increase costs or resources.

Benefits of efficient sales order management

Effectively managing sales orders offers several benefits. Firstly, it increases the accuracy of order fulfilment. When orders are managed well, there is a smaller chance of errors, meaning customers receive exactly what they ordered within the expected delivery time. By being more reliable, this makes customers trust you more and encourages them to order from you again.

Next, having a smooth process for handling orders can speed up your business. It allows products to move quickly from the warehouse to the customer, which is very helpful in wholesale where you deal with large volumes and need to be fast.

Another advantage is better control over your inventory. Proper management of sales orders helps you keep a more accurate track of your stock. This helps you have just the right amount of stock, avoiding too much or too little, which can reduce the costs of storing goods and dealing with items that might go bad.

Finally, clear and good management of sales orders helps with making smart decisions. When everything is orderly and easy to track, managers can better understand sales trends, what customers like, and where there are delays in the process. This helps them make better choices for the business.

Introducing sales order management software

Bringing in sales order management software can make things much easier for businesses, especially those in wholesale distribution. As a business gets bigger and handles more orders, keeping track of everything can be tough. This software helps by automating the process and making it smoother, so managing lots of orders becomes simpler.

Why use sales order management software?

Handling things by hand in a wholesale distribution setup can lead to mistakes, like errors in order entry, counting inventory wrong, or delays in processing. These issues can make customers unhappy. Sales order management software helps solve these problems by automating tasks that are done over and over.

For instance, when an order is received, the software automatically checks if the items are in stock, processes customer details, and updates financial records. This automation speeds up the order process and cuts down on errors.

How does the software work?

Sales order management software acts like a main centre for everything related to orders. It starts working when someone places an order, whether they do it on a website or over the phone. The software records the order and keeps track of it until it’s sent out. Important steps in this process are checking if the product is available, putting aside stock for the order, ordering more stock if needed, and planning when to send the order.

Also, the software keeps all team members informed about how the order is doing. Sales people, warehouse workers, and the finance team can see up-to-date information about each order. This helps everyone know what’s going on, which makes things run more smoothly and cuts down on mistakes.

Key features of sales order management software

One of the primary features of this software is automation. Automation covers various areas of order processing, such as entry, inventory checks. Automation helps reduce manual errors and speeds up the entire process, from order placement to fulfilment.

Another important feature is integration capabilities. Sales order management software are usually capable of integrating seamlessly with other systems such as accounting software, customer relationship management (CRM) tools, and supply chain management solutions.

This integration helps ensure data consistency and provides a holistic view of business operations, which is invaluable for making strategic decisions.

Inventory management is also an important feature. The software often may includes tools that help track stock levels, predict inventory needs, and even suggest reorder points. This can significantly reduce instances of product shortages or excess stock.

Customer management is yet another feature that can not be overlooked. This software usually either offers tools or makes use of integration for maintaining detailed customer records, tracking buyer behaviour, tracking past interactions, and managing customer communication. This rich database aids in tailored customer service and marketing efforts, fostering stronger relationships.

Benefits to business and competitive advantage

Implementing robust sales order management software can afford businesses a notable competitive edge. The software can save money by making inventory management and day-to-day operations more streamlined. This means businesses can keep their prices competitive while still making a good profit.

Additionally, the cost savings from optimised inventory management and operational efficiencies can be substantial. Lower costs and increased operational speed allow businesses to price their offerings more competitively while maintaining healthy margins.

Also, the analytical capabilities of the software enable businesses to make quick adjustments based on real-time data, stay ahead of consumer trends, and respond proactively to market changes.

The key considerations summed up

In summary, advanced sales order management systems do more than just update your technology; they transform how wholesale distributors run their businesses. Incorporating such software lets companies improve their operations and respond more quickly to changes in the market.

Modern wholesale distribution involves complexities that need robust analytical tools. These tools do more than manage transactions; they offer deep insights into customer behaviour, inventory cycles, and overall business performance. Access to real-time data enables businesses to anticipate market trends and customer needs, leading to well-informed decisions that can significantly change how they compete.

Furthermore, the practical benefits of these systems, such as fewer mistakes, better use of resources, and enhanced customer satisfaction, help establish a resilient business model capable of withstanding market fluctuations and economic challenges. Businesses that aim to succeed in a changing market landscape should consider sales order management software as essential.

For wholesale distributors who want to remain competitive and excel in engaging customers, investing in this technology is crucial. Improved sales order management is key to customer satisfaction and operational excellence, driving businesses toward success in a competitive environment.

Remember, in a world where operational efficiency and customer satisfaction are key, the right tools don’t just support your business—they advance it.

Onsight provides a B2B mobile sales app that speeds up and simplifies the ordering process. It’s particularly useful for wholesale distributors as it eliminates the need for paper, allowing sales reps to place orders immediately and show an organised product catalogue on any mobile device. Curious about how Onsight can streamline your sales process? Sign up for a free trial today