Best practices to reduce sales order errors

Posted in Sales techniques and processes.

Sales order errors can be a major headache for businesses.

Order errors not only lead to delays and additional costs but can also negatively impact customer satisfaction and loyalty.

With the right approach, including training, communication, and smart use of technology, you can improve order accuracy.

Let’s first take a look at what usually causes these errors, and then we’ll get into some practical tips for fixing them.

Understanding the causes of sales order errors

Before we look at solutions, it helps to know what causes sales order errors in the first place. Here are some of the most common issues:

Human error

One of the main issues is human error. Everyone makes mistakes now and then, and distractions or misunderstandings can lead to incorrect orders. It could be a simple typo or a mix-up with product codes.

System issues

System issues are another common culprit. Outdated software or miscommunication between different systems can create confusion, resulting in inaccurate orders.

Customer behaviour

Customer behaviour also contributes, especially when customers don’t provide all the necessary details or misunderstand what’s needed for their order.

Inventory management problems

Lastly, problems with inventory management can lead to discrepancies. If your team doesn’t have a clear picture of what’s in stock, it can result in overselling or being unable to fulfil an order.

Recognising these root causes allows businesses to develop strategies that focus on prevention.

Best practices to reduce sales order errors

Now that we understand the causes, let’s look at some best practices that can help reduce sales order errors.

Improving training and communication

One of the best ways to reduce errors is by training your team well and encouraging open communication. Regular training sessions help your staff understand the order process inside and out. Make these sessions engaging and relevant to their work, focusing on common error-prone areas.

Also, create an environment where your team feels comfortable asking questions. If someone is unsure about an order detail, it’s better to clear it up right away than to risk an error later on. Establish clear data entry formats and standards, so everyone knows how to fill out orders consistently. This will help reduce confusion.

Using technology to reduce errors

In today’s world, technology can be used to improve just about anything including for reducing sales order errors. Automated tools and software can help catch mistakes before they happen. Many systems have features that verify data, point out discrepancies, and provide reminders for missing information. This way, potential errors can be addressed early on.

Using customer relationship management (CRM) systems is also beneficial. These platforms keep track of customer interactions and order histories, making it easier to manage orders accurately. When integrated with other systems, it creates a smooth process and reduces the chance of errors.

Another great tool to consider is a sales app. These applications can provide your sales team with everything they need right at their fingertips. Sales apps allow team members to access real-time data on product availability, pricing, and customer information while they’re on the go. This means they can confirm details quickly and accurately, ultimately reducing the likelihood of errors.

Additionally, investing in inventory management software can make a big difference, too. With real-time tracking, your team will always know what products are available. This visibility helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures that orders can be fulfilled without a hitch.

Implementing quality assurance processes

Having quality assurance processes in place can greatly help in catching errors. Each order should have a designated team member who double-checks the details before it’s finalised. This extra layer of review can catch mistakes early, ensuring that the order is right before it goes out the door.

Using checklists during this review process can simplify things. A checklist reminds team members to cover all important items, reducing the risk of overlooking details. Additionally, consider designating specific individuals to oversee the fulfilment process. This helps maintain focus and fosters a team culture centred on accuracy.

Increasing customer involvement

Getting customers involved in the order process can also improve accuracy. Provide clear instructions on what information you need from them and how to place orders correctly. You might even consider offering templates or order guides to make it easier for them.

Following up with confirmation emails or texts allows customers to review their orders and ensure everything is correct. Proactive communication helps catch any mistakes early. Additionally, encouraging customers to give feedback about their experience can provide valuable insights on how to refine your process.

Continuous monitoring and improvement

Reducing sales order errors is an ongoing journey. Regularly reviewing your order processes keeps you on track and helps identify areas that may need a little extra attention. Determine which metrics to track related to order accuracy and analyse these trends for patterns in errors.

Consider holding regular team meetings to discuss findings and share challenges. When everyone is involved in improving the order process, it creates a team-oriented environment where members feel invested in getting it right. As your business changes or grows, staying flexible and ready to adapt your processes is crucial.


In summary, reducing sales order errors involves a combination of solid training, clear communication, smart technology adoption, quality assurance practices, and engaging with your customers.

By following these best practices, you can create an accurate order processing system that keeps your customers happy and your operations running smoothly. Staying committed to improvement positions your business for long-term success in a competitive world.

Onsight offers a B2B sales app that helps your team manage orders more easily. With real-time access to product availability and customer information, it’s designed to reduce errors and make things run smoother. If you’re curious about how it could fit into your operations, sign up for a tree trial.