A short history of tablets

Believe it or not, tablet computers did not hit the market as glossy, razor-thin, and sleek gadgets they are today. Neither did they emerge abruptly in 2010 as iPads. There is a rich history behind them that dates back to

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The best apps for video calling

With the coronavirus restricting people to their homes this year, face-to-face meetings have become almost non-existent. However, there is still the craving, or even a need, to talk to people that you work with. While you could call anyone you

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What is the new iPhone 12 like?

Apple launched the new iPhone 12 series recently and it has quite a few new things that need to be addressed. With the new iPhone, Apple has taken a few steps forward, and a few steps back as well. The

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What is two-factor authentication and why do I need it?

We are living in a world where we are constantly connected to the internet and that means our information is accessible to anyone in the world. Keeping people from accessing this information means implementing security measures. At a personal level,

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Do you really need a customised business app?

Pretty much every business today understands the value of using a business app. Whether it’s an app you publish for your buyers to use, or an app used by your own team to streamline internal processes, mobile apps have quickly

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Online tools to improve efficiency in small businesses

Unless you want to outright start firing people or not pay them for their work, the only way to improve your business revenue is to improve efficiency. A lot of small businesses struggle with this concept, even though it is

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Why are SMEs more susceptible to data breaches?

Cyber attacks and data breaches can happen to any business, of any size, operating within any industry. However, security risks do appear to be slightly higher for small businesses in particular, with 42% of SMEs experiencing at least one cyber

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Advanced security assessments to help protect your business data

Most businesses experience some kind of cyber attack each and every year. While the widespread adoption of new technologies certainly brings many benefits and unrivalled value to businesses, it also opens up a whole new can of worms; it increases

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What’s best for your sales team… Android or iOS?

As we all know, sales is no longer a 9-5 desk job. In fact, mobility and flexibility are both key for success in the current market, enabling better engagement with B2B clients, and helping to form stronger working relationships with

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How cloud computing is transforming sales teams

Cloud computing, or ‘the cloud’ forms one of the largest components of the ongoing trend towards digitisation of business processes. More and more enterprises are embracing and adopting this revolutionary technology. Should sales teams be starting to consider migrating processes

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