How to make your electronic resources work for you

Oftentimes, B2B companies become stuck in a rut and forget that they have some great resources available at their fingertips. Electronic resources, if used effectively, can be useful tools to attract more customers. What’s more, is that these resources won’t

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Tips for choosing product categories for your catalogue

The use of categories and subcategories is extremely important when trying to create a well-organised, professional electronic product catalogue. Not only does categorisation help sales reps navigate the catalogue more easily and show customers exactly what product they’re looking for,

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Why you should start using order management software today

Order management software is essential for businesses who want to increase both their efficiency and mobility. This software allows you to shorten the ordering process while gaining greater control of the information coming in and going out. Aside from these

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Knowing when to discontinue a product

Each product goes through four stages in its life cycle which you may be familiar with already. The first introduction stage is where the new product or line is launched. Rapid growth for the product occurs next as customers start

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The importance of keeping your electronic product catalogue updated

An electronic product catalogue is a very convenient selling tool and even more so when it is placed directly into the hands of your customers. Self-ordering allows the customer 24/7 access to the catalogue, frees up sales rep’s time, and

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Expanding your product catalogue – the why and how

Have you recently taken a look at your electronic product catalogue and thought, “I need something more?” Then it might be time for you to look towards expanding your product catalogue. Big businesses are well-known for spotting a gap in

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Valuable things a customer’s order history can teach you

With an electronic ordering system it becomes easy to go back into a customer’s order history to see what patterns develop. An electronic ordering system allows you to see on what dates orders are placed, how many products are usually

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Writing eye-catching product descriptions for customer self-ordering

B2B self-ordering has many benefits for the customer including the flexibility to peruse over the product list in one’s own time, and thus, not having to wait for an available sales rep. Also, there is more time for decision-making, and

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Switching from paper order forms to electronic order forms

If you’ve been stuck using a paper-based ordering system and present products to customers, then switching over to a more efficient electronic ordering system might seem like a difficult and daunting task. However, the process of switching over is an

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Why you should start using B2B customer self-ordering today

One of the features that the Onsight app provides is customer self-ordering. This feature allows users to create special logins for customers. Customers can then independently log in to see their data (and only their data), browse the product catalogue,

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