How B2B sales reps can use automation to improve sales

B2B sales reps play an important role in generating sales. However, a lot of tasks involved are quite menial or tedious. A sales rep’s importance mostly lies in their ability to engage with customers and generate leads. However, there are

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The power of storytelling in sales presentations

Storytelling is a powerful tool Humans have used for ages to entertain, teach, and share. Done well, it has the ability to enrapture its audience while still imparting useful information. Storytelling allows an audience to connect on a deeper level

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Tactics to improve cold calling success

There is debate about whether cold calling is effective or not in our modern setting. How we see it, cold calling is being viewed in the wrong light. Cold calling is not a means to a sale. Rather, it is

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Is cold calling still useful?

Cold calling is a sales technique whereby a salesperson will contact a potential customer who may have little to no prior information about their business. In its technical definition, it can include a range of activities including cold emails and

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How to make a good first impression as a sales rep

As a sales rep, you are one of the main contributors to your company’s sales success. It is your responsibility to sell products and services to clients. Due to your position as a representative, you also act as an extension

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Effective sales tactics for small businesses

Talk to any successful businessperson and one thing they will always mention in their trick is a good sales strategy. Having a good strategy not only helps you get profitable, but it also allows you to see the potential for

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What’s your sales team’s lead response time?

One of the most important factors in terms of inbound sales is the act of qualifying leads, but it’s a task that’s sometimes easier said than done. Did you know that just 13% of sales reps generate 87% of total

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How the sales funnel affects selling

As a sales rep, you’ll know your products and services inside out and back to front… at least, you should! You should have your own internal library filled with all sorts of product-specific information and market data. This not only

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Price matching: yes or no?

Imagine you’re in the middle of a sales call to a potential customer, and imagine it’s been going great…. until it’s time to talk cost. “It’s too expensive, I can get a similar product cheaper from another supplier”, says the

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Value: the key to a successful sales presentation

Creating a sales presentation is simple. However, as many of us know, creating a successful sales presentation isn’t always so easy! There are, of course, many different factors that contribute towards an effective pitch, but one of the most important

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