Great warehousing and inventory management YouTube videos

Posted in Inventory and warehousing.

If you’re managing a warehouse or distribution center and looking for some helpful tips, YouTube can be a fantastic place to start.

In this post, we’ll go through some videos that we found useful and easy to understand. These resources can help you handle common issues in your operations.

Learning from YouTube videos: A list of videos for wholesale distributors

1. How to manage inventory: FIFO, LIFO, AVCO

Video: How to Manage Inventory: FIFO, LIFO, AVCO | Small Business Guides | Xero

In this video, Xero explains three key inventory management methods: First-In-First-Out (FIFO), Last-In-First-Out (LIFO), and Average Cost (AVCO). They also talk about the differences between periodic and perpetual inventory systems.

By the end of the video, you’ll have a better idea of which inventory method might work best for your business. Understanding these methods helps you manage stock more effectively and make smart financial choices.

2. Warehousing design and operations

Video: Warehousing – 10 Principles of Design and Operations

Mal Walker shares ten important principles for designing and operating a warehouse effectively. He covers things like how to layout your warehouse, where to place products, and how to use warehouse management software and productivity metrics.

Walker’s tips can help make your operations smoother and even boost productivity. For example, a good layout can cut down on travel time and help you use your space better.

3. Simple inventory forecasting based on past data

Video: Simple Inventory Forecasting Based on Past Data

This video shows how you can use past sales data to forecast your future inventory needs. It uses simple maths and statistics to help you create effective forecasting models.

Accurate forecasting means you can avoid having too much or too little stock, which can keep your business running smoothly without needing fancy software.

4. Warehouse safety tips

Video: Warehouse Safety Tips – 1) Understand Your Risks

In this video, Jennifer MacFarlane talks about how to recognize and address hazards in a warehouse. She identifies common risks and offers practical ways to reduce them. Keeping safety in mind is very important.

This video helps you understand what hazards to look for and how to create a safer workspace, which can lead to fewer accidents and higher productivity.

5. 4 easy steps to inventory improvement

Video: 4 EASY Steps to Inventory Improvement + An Easy Diagnostic

Melanie walks you through a simple four-step process to assess and improve your inventory health. The steps include looking at your current inventory, creating a plan for each item (SKU), reviewing your key performance indicators (KPIs), and updating your systems.

This video is great if you want a clear, practical guide to fix any inventory issues you might have.

6. Consequences of too much inventory

Video: Consequences of Too Much Inventory – More than Costs! | Rowtons Training by Laurence Gartside

Laurence Gartside discusses the hidden costs of holding too much inventory, which can include financial costs as well as operational issues. He explains how excess inventory can hurt productivity and complicate scheduling.

By understanding these costs, you can make better decisions about your stock levels. This video is very useful for anyone looking to cut down on excess inventory and save money.

Key points

Each of these YouTube videos offers a different perspective on inventory management and warehouse operations. Whether you want to choose an inventory method, improve your warehouse layout, forecast your inventory needs, ensure safety, or avoid the mistakes that come with too much stock, these videos provide great insights and practical strategies.

These resources can help you manage your warehouse and inventory more effectively, making your operations run smoother and more profitably. So, take a moment to watch these videos and see how you can apply what you learn to create a more organised and efficient warehouse environment.

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