How to lead your team effectively: Tips and resources

Posted in Personal development.

Finding ways to improve your management and leadership skills can feel challenging, especially with so much information available. There are some key topics to think about as you reflect on ways to grow.

Thankfully, YouTube has a lot of videos that offer valuable insights on this. In this blog, I will share several videos that focus on important aspects of team management and leadership.

Each one has lessons that can help you become a better leader.

Here are some points you might want to consider:

Management vs. Leadership

Let’s start with the difference between management and leadership. Management is all about keeping things organised and making sure tasks get done. Leadership, however, is about inspiring and guiding your team, especially during times of change.

So, why does this matter? If you only focus on management, your team might struggle when facing new challenges. Developing your leadership skills encourages your team to be innovative and work together more effectively. Here are some steps to help you grow in this area:

  • Self-assess: Think about your strengths as a manager and where you can improve your leadership.
  • Set goals: Decide on specific leadership qualities you want to work on, like communication or problem-solving.
  • Practice: Look for chances to apply these skills in projects you lead or with team members you mentor.

For a deeper understanding of this topic, check out Seth Godin’s video on Management & Leadership.

Consensus vs. Shared leadership

Next, let’s discuss decision-making. A common approach is seeking consensus, where everyone tries to agree before moving forward. While this can bring the team together, it can also slow down progress. In contrast, shared leadership values everyone’s opinions but doesn’t require total agreement.

This approach is important because it encourages creativity and allows for different viewpoints, leading to better solutions. Plus, when team members feel heard, they are more invested in their work. Here’s how you can implement shared leadership:

  • Encourage open discussions: Create a friendly space where team members can comfortably share their opinions.
  • Be clear about the process: Let everyone know that it’s okay not to agree on everything.
  • Evaluate decisions together: After making a decision, ask for feedback to improve future discussions.

Julie Godin talks more about this in her video, Leading by Consensus vs Shared Leadership.

Acknowledging weaknesses in leadership

Recognizing your own weaknesses as a leader is also crucial. Many leaders find it hard to admit they don’t have all the answers, but doing so shows that you’re open to growth. This openness encourages a culture where team members are comfortable sharing their own challenges.
To tackle this:

  • Reflect on feedback: Regularly ask your colleagues for their thoughts to understand your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Set personal development goals: Focus on specific weaknesses you want to work on.
  • Seek support: Consider joining a mentorship group where you can share experiences and learn from one another.

You can learn more from the video Improving Your Leadership as a CEO, which highlights the importance of self-awareness in leadership.

Inspiring action in leadership

Being able to inspire action is key in leadership. Great leaders motivate their teams by connecting tasks to a larger purpose. When team members understand why their contributions matter, they are more likely to feel engaged and motivated. Here are some practical ways to inspire your team:

  • Share your vision: Regularly communicate the team’s goals and how they connect to the bigger picture.
  • Recognize contributions: Acknowledge and celebrate your team members’ efforts and successes.
  • Create a positive environment: Build a workplace culture that encourages excitement and teamwork.

You can find more ideas on this in the video This is How Great Leaders Inspire Action.

The importance of knowing your ‘why’

Finally, understanding the ‘why’ behind your leadership is very important. When leaders clarify their purpose, it helps everyone feel connected to the mission. This builds trust and encourages collaboration within the team. To discover your ‘why’:

  • Reflect on your motivations: Take some time to think about what drives your passion for your work.
  • Discuss with your team: Engage your team in conversations about their own motivations and values.
  • Align goals with purpose: Make sure that team goals reflect shared values and the overall mission.

To explore this concept further, watch the video Simon Sinek’s Guide to Leadership.

Last considerations

In summary, the videos we discussed cover important topics in leadership and team management. Whether it’s understanding the differences between management and leadership, embracing shared leadership, acknowledging weaknesses, inspiring action, or knowing your purpose, these ideas are all vital for effective leadership.

I hope you take some time to watch these videos for more insights. Each topic offers practical lessons for anyone looking to improve their leadership skills. Reflecting on these ideas can help you create a more supportive and successful team. What resonates with you most, and how might you apply these concepts in your own work?