Integrating a sales app with Netsuite to increase sales

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In today’s market, using the right tools and technology can help you stay on top. One helpful step is connecting a sales app with NetSuite, which can streamline how your business handles sales and customer information.

This setup lets you sync your sales data with NetSuite’s features for finance and customer relationship management (CRM).

Making your processes more efficient and supporting growth and better management.

What is NetSuite and how can It benefit your business?

NetSuite is a cloud-based software that includes different solutions like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM, e-commerce, and more.

It helps businesses manage their main operations in one integrated system, covering areas like accounting, inventory management, human resources, and customer relationships. For businesses aiming to grow without increasing their workload, NetSuite is a scalable option.

How to connect a sales app with NetSuite

Connecting a sales app with NetSuite involves setting up a link between the two systems so data can flow smoothly between them. This usually happens through an API (Application Programming Interface), which acts as a bridge for the two systems to communicate.

To start, you need to pick a sales app that fits your needs and can connect with NetSuite. Once you have one, the connection involves aligning data fields (like sales orders, customer info, and product details) between the app and NetSuite to make sure data stays synced and updates in real-time on both platforms.

The benefits of integrating a sales app with NetSuite

Easier data management

One big advantage of this connection is that it cuts down on manual data entry. When sales staff add information into the app, it automatically updates in NetSuite. This saves time and cuts down on mistakes, freeing sales teams to focus more on sales and less on paperwork.

Up-to-date information

With data syncing in real-time, your business always has the latest information. This is key for making quick, informed decisions. For instance, a sales manager can instantly see the latest stock levels and sales data, helping them manage stock and orders promptly.

Better customer services

Customer satisfaction can greatly improve when your sales app connects with NetSuite. Sales teams can access complete, current customer records when talking to clients, letting them offer more personalised service.

Knowing a customer’s previous purchases, for example, can help suggest products they might like, enhancing their experience.

Customisation and flexibility

Every business is different, and so are their needs. When you connect a sales app with NetSuite, often there is some level of customizability of what data to sync, tailoring the setup to match your specific business needs and goals.

How integrating a sales app with NetSuite prepares your business for the future

When you connect a sales app with NetSuite, you’re not just making things easier right now; you’re also setting up your business to handle more work in the future without always needing more hands on deck.

Let’s look at something simple, like managing customer relationships and keeping track of sales. Usually, this type of work needs a lot of back-and-forth between your sales team and customer service, which can take a lot of time and sometimes leads to mistakes.

But if your sales app talks directly to NetSuite, all the customer details and sales information will update on its own. This means that everyone has the latest info without extra work or double-checking.

Here’s an example to think about: say your business starts selling a new product and suddenly, you have lots of customers interested in buying it and asking questions. With an integrated sales app, all the new sales information is automatically shared with NetSuite.

This helps your customer service team answer questions without having to ask the sales team every time. Meanwhile, your salespeople can keep focusing on getting more sales instead of filling out forms and updating records.

Also, during busy times like holiday sales, this setup can handle the extra work smoothly. You won’t need to hire extra people just for those busy periods, which can save you money and avoid the struggle of training temporary staff.

Plus, having all this automatic and up-to-date information helps you make better plans for the future. You can see what your customers like, predict when they might want to buy, and plan your sales strategies without having to dig through piles of paperwork.

In short, integrating a sales app with NetSuite helps your business grow bigger and more complex but still keeps things running smoothly. It keeps you ready for what’s next, making sure your business can keep up with the market.

The takeaway

Connecting a sales app with NetSuite can really improve how your business runs, from reducing manual work to enhancing how you interact with customers. It’s a strategic move that uses powerful technology to make your operations smoother and support your business’s growth.

Successful connection needs good planning—from picking the right sales app to making sure you have strong data security. With everything in place, your business can look forward to a smooth start and lasting benefits from this integrated sales management system.

Onsight’s sales app integrates with NetSuite to make handling customer sales orders a lot easier as well as automatically updating and showing all sales activities as they happen. This makes your everyday tasks simpler and lets you not only process orders faster but also see everything about your sales in one place. Why not try Onsight for yourself? Sign up for a free trial.