What should you use: Mobile sales apps vs Traditional CRM

Posted in B2B sales & distribution.

Mobile sales apps vs. traditional CRM systems: Which is right for you?

This is the question you might be asking yourself, with so many options out there it might be hard to figure out what option is the best one for you.

As both these tools have their own benefits, when deciding between mobile sales apps and traditional CRM systems.

You need to consider different factors that are specific to your business and industry needs whether you are a wholesaler distributor for food and beverages or for health and beauty products.

Knowing more about these options will help you make a smart choice that could improve your sales and distribution activities.

What are traditional CRM systems?

Traditional CRM systems are tools that help companies manage their dealings with current and potential customers. Their main goal is to improve how businesses relate with customers, help retain customers, and increase sales.

Usually, these systems keep all customer information in one place, track interactions, and handle tasks and workflows.

One of the top benefits of using traditional CRM systems is that they have a lot of features. These often include tools for automating sales processes, marketing, and handling customer service tasks.

These systems give a complete overview of how customers interact with the business, which is really useful for strategic planning and decision-making.

However, traditional CRMs usually need to be installed on servers or computers and can require a lot of money at start up and then ongoing costs for maintaining and improving the software, making it fit the company’s needs, and keeping it running well. Plus, they can be complicated to use and might need special training.

Also, for team members who often work outside the office or from various locations, using a traditional CRM can be difficult if there’s no reliable internet connection.

What about mobile sales apps?

On the other hand, mobile sales apps are simpler and easier to use compared to other tools out there. They are made to help sales people work better and faster from anywhere, using just their mobile phones or tablets.

With these apps, sales representatives can quickly access customer details such as order history, product information and stock availability, create quotes and sales orders, showcase products while data is synced across devices and departments almost instantly.

This helps them cut down on waiting time and reduces the amount of paperwork they have to deal with. These apps are really handy for sales teams who spend a lot of time outside the office.

They allow team members to update information as things happen, which means everyone can stay informed and up-to-date with the latest data. This quick sharing of information helps the team act fast on new opportunities or changes.

Moreover, mobile sales apps are generally easier and cheaper to set up than traditional CRM systems. They are mostly offered on a subscription basis, known as Software as a Service (SaaS). Which means the service provider looks after all the technical stuff, making sales apps a hassle-free choice for businesses.

Comparing mobile sales apps vs traditional CRM

When deciding between mobile sales apps and traditional CRM systems, you should consider your business operations and needs.

If your sales team works mainly from an office and you need lots of different features—not just for sales, but for marketing and customer service too—then a traditional CRM system could be a good fit. This type of system keeps all the customer information in one place and makes it easier for different departments to work together smoothly.

Alternatively, if your sales team is often out on the field, a mobile sales app might suit you better. This tool lets your salespeople update and access information right away, wherever they are, which is great for closing deals fast.

This immediate access is particularly crucial in wholesale distribution, where prices and products can change often. Being able to give customers the latest information right when they need it can really help seal the deal.

In short, think about where your sales team spends most of their time and what kind of information they need to access. This will guide you in choosing between a mobile sales app and a CRM system, ensuring you pick the one that helps your team the most.

Here is a brief pros and cons list of each:

Mobile sales apps:


  • Accessibility: Great for sales reps who are often on the road or work outside the office, as they can access and update information on the go.
  • Speed: Allows for immediate updates and real-time information sharing with customers, helping to close deals faster.
  • Simplicity: Easy to use on mobile devices, ideal for quick tasks.
  • Offline functionality: Useful in areas with poor connectivity, where the app can still function and sync later when the connection is restored.
  • Product showcasing: Includes features to display products in a digital catalogue, enhancing customer interaction with high-quality images.
  • Cost effective: Reduces printing costs by using digital quoting and ordering, which also supports more sustainable practices.


  • Limited functionality: Although great for immediate tasks, these apps may lack the broader functionalities found in full-scale CRM systems, such as detailed customer relationship management and custom reporting.
  • Security risks: Mobile devices can pose increased security risks if not properly secured.

Traditional CRM Systems:


  • Comprehensive features: Offers a wide range of features for different aspects of business operations, from sales to marketing.
  • Integration: Easily integrates with other business tools for a unified system.
  • Centralisation: All customer information is centralised, improving organisation and management.
  • Detailed analytics: Provides advanced tools for deep analysis of sales trends and customer satisfaction.


  • Complexity: Can be complex and may require training for users.
  • Cost: Often comes with high initial and ongoing costs.
  • Mobility issues: Not as accessible for use outside the office as mobile apps.
  • Ongoing maintenance: Requires regular updates and maintenance, which can demand additional time and resources.

Each type of system has distinct advantages and drawbacks. Consider your business needs, the mobility of your sales team, and your budget when deciding.

Also keep in mind that no CRM or Mobile sales app has the exact same strengths and weaknesses, this is a general list. Each tool might have slightly different advantages and disadvantages depending on the service provider.

Choosing the right tool

Choosing the right tool between a mobile sales app and a traditional CRM system really depends on what your business specifically needs:

Size and scope of operations

Consider the size of your business and how your sales processes are carried out. If your team often works outside the office, mobile sales apps are practical as they can access data and manage tasks on the go.

However, for larger businesses that handle vast amounts of data and require complex data processing, a traditional CRM system is likely to be more effective. It can provide the robust infrastructure needed to manage extensive operations and detailed customer interactions.

User preference and adaptability

Think about what your sales team is comfortable with. Teams that are used to smartphones and apps may find mobile sales apps easier and more enjoyable to use. However, teams that are more comfortable with using computers might prefer the traditional CRM systems.

Cost implications

It’s important to look at how much each option costs and think about what fits your budget. Mobile sales apps can be cheaper and easier to start using without a lot of upfront costs. Remember, traditional CRMs might cost more at the start.

Future scalability

Also, think about the future. A mobile sales app can be quick to set up and start seeing benefits from, but a traditional CRM may be able to grow with your business if you expect to expand a lot.

So, when deciding, consider how your business operates, what your team likes, how much money you can spend, and your plans for the future. This will help you choose the tool that best fits your needs.

Other considerations

When choosing between mobile sales apps and traditional CRM systems, besides the basic considerations like cost, functionality, and user preference, there are other factors to help make the right decision for your business.


Mobile sales apps generally offer a user-friendly interface with simple customization options, making them easy to use with minimal training. They are often more affordable because of their straightforward design.

Traditional CRM systems, however, provide much more customization. This allows businesses to tailor features to meet specific needs or integrate unique functions for specific workflows. Keep in mind, more customization can add complexity, which might require more training for your team.

Data handling and storage

For businesses, especially distributors managing large inventories and many customers, how data is handled is critical.

Mobile sales apps usually offer quick access and easy data handling. While they are great for efficiency, they might not support complex data analysis or secure large data storage.

Traditional CRMs are strong in data management. They can manage extensive data—from customer details to transaction histories—and include powerful data analysis tools. The trade-off is that they often need sophisticated data management strategies and might require IT support to manage.

Technical support and training

The level of technical support and the training available can be important, especially for teams less confident with technology.

Mobile sales apps are generally simpler and might have limited support, usually requiring less training, but this could be a problem if technical issues arise during off-hours or in different time zones.

Traditional CRM Systems usually offer extensive support and detailed training due to their complexity. This can be vital for quickly resolving issues and fully utilising the system capabilities.

Considering these factors helps in not only choosing between mobile sales apps and traditional CRMs but also ensures that the selected system integrates well into your business, allowing your sales team to use the tool efficiently, improve customer relationships, and ultimately boost sales.

So, what should you opt for?

It really comes down to your business structure, sales processes, and specific needs.

For wholesale distributors who rely heavily on field sales and quick client servicing, mobile sales apps offer the flexibility, simplicity and speed required.

However, for those who operate on a broader scale with intricate sales cycles and the need for deep customer relationship management, traditional CRM systems might prove more beneficial.

You will need to evaluate your current processes, consider where your teams spend most of their time, and choose a tool not based on its popularity but on how well it fits into your operational strategy and helps you maintain strong customer relationships.

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