Feeling unhappy, undervalued, or insufficiently challenged at work? Then it could be time to consider a change – even if you’re older. It’s never too late to think about changing careers and trying something new.
In fact, the amount of people choosing to change careers in mid-to-late life is actually increasing; not only due to a boost in the number of those aged 55 and over in the workforce but also due to older workers becoming more confident. Career changes have become the ‘new normal of working’, and average job tenure is now just 4.5 years.
Why Make the Leap?
While a career change later in life can seem scarier than it may have appeared in your 20s or 30s, the benefits of making the leap can be huge. However, a career change after 50 can not only be successful, but could also make you happier while simultaneously boosting your salary. What’s not to love?
Late stage career changes have become so popular that they even have their own name: ‘encore careers’. There are many reasons for choosing an encore career, including financial security through retirement, the chance to make a difference in the community, and following a passion.
How to Change Careers
There is really no right or wrong way to change careers in mid-to-late life. However, there are some considerations to take into account which can help to make the process more smooth and enjoyable:
1. Know What You Want
Consider what you don’t enjoy about your current company or role, and what changes would be necessary to address those issues. This can give you a good idea of what to look for in a new job.
2. Consider Transferable Skills
If you’re considering a big change from one industry to another, think about what skills you already possess which could be transferred to a new sector, giving you a competitive edge over other candidates.
3. Network
If you’ve been in one job for a very long time, think about how the application process may have changed. Today, social media platforms such as LinkedIn can be hugely beneficial for networking.
4. Think About High Growth Industries
Consider which industries are most likely to be on the lookout for new employees from skilled and professional backgrounds. High growth industries right now include technology, finance, and home care.
5. Stand Out
If you lack transferable skills, consider ways in which you can help yourself to stand out from the crowd. Think about gaining experience in your chosen area, through volunteering or taking a training course.
No matter how old you are, there are many options for changing careers. In fact, if you’re not quite sure where you fit into the workforce, you could also consider self employment.