Simple steps to improve the sales funnel: Making your sales process easier

Posted in Sales techniques and processes.

Every sales team aims for a smooth process that turns interested prospects into satisfied customers. However, managing the various stages of the sales funnel can often feel overwhelming.

By simplifying and optimising each stage, you can create a more enjoyable experience for both your sales representatives and your customers.

Understanding the sales funnel

First, it’s helpful to understand the sales funnel. Think of it as the journey a potential customer takes from learning about your product to making a purchase. The funnel usually has four stages: awareness, interest, decision, and action. Each stage has specific tasks and challenges that you can simplify for better results.

Awareness stage

At the top of the funnel is the awareness stage, where potential customers first hear about your brand. This exposure can come through social media, blog articles, advertisements, or personal recommendations. The main aim here is to capture attention.

To generate awareness effectively, focus on creating content that speaks directly to your audience’s needs. Avoid broad topics and instead zero in on specific issues they might face.

Using clear and straightforward messaging resonates more than complex jargon. One helpful step is to conduct research on customer pain points through surveys or social media polls. This information can guide your content efforts, ensuring you address issues that matter to your audience.

Sharing valuable content—like articles or videos—that directly tackles these challenges is crucial. It’s vital to make your content easily shareable so that it can reach a wider audience.

Below are key strategies to capture attention effectively:

  • Targeted content creation: Instead of using generic messaging, thoroughly research your audience’s specific pain points through surveys or social media discussions. Create content (blogs, videos, social posts) that speaks directly to these challenges, capturing attention and establishing your brand authentically.

  • SEO optimization: Utilise SEO best practices to ensure your content is easily discoverable. Research keywords relevant to your audience’s interests and incorporate them into your content. The higher your content ranks in search results, the more visibility your brand will gain.

  • Leverage social media: Use social media analytics to determine which platforms your audience frequents most. Focus resources on those channels and create engaging posts that encourage shares and discussions.

Interest stage

Once potential customers are aware of your brand, the next stage involves sparking their interest. This is where context becomes essential. Provide them with valuable resources, such as case studies, informative blog posts, and product demonstrations. These resources highlight the benefits of what you offer.

Since feedback from your sales reps is particularly valuable here, encourage them to share insights from direct customer interactions. These frontline insights can guide the creation of follow-up materials that resonate with prospects. Implementing a content strategy that aligns resources with specific audience segments fosters relevance and helps maintain engagement.

Maintaining a consistent communication strategy is also crucial for keeping interest alive. Rather than bombarding prospects with sales pitches, consider sharing valuable content that nurtures the relationship and enhances their understanding of your product.

A mobile sales app can be a useful tool for your team, allowing them to quickly access product information and find answers to common questions during conversations with prospects. They can also share relevant details, like your product catalogue, from within the app, which helps maintain interest and engagement.

Here’s how to effectively nurture this stage:

  • Resource accessibility: Make valuable resources, such as case studies, white papers, and product demos, readily accessible. Create a user-friendly resource hub on your website that allows prospects to easily access relevant materials based on their interests.

  • Nurturing campaigns: Implement automated email campaigns that follow up with leads. Segment your audience based on their interactions (e.g., downloads, website visits) and customise content that aligns with their interests. This will keep your brand relatable and engaging.

  • Consistent communication: Establish a regular communication schedule with prospects, sharing informative content rather than direct sales pitches. A simple weekly newsletter with helpful tips or insights can maintain interest without overwhelming them with sales messages.

Decision stage

As we move to the decision stage, potential customers carefully weigh their options. Building trust during this critical moment is essential, as they are likely comparing your product with competitors.

Fostering trust can be achieved by showcasing testimonials from satisfied customers, demonstrating the value of your offering. Create a dedicated page on your website for customer testimonials and success stories, filled with compelling visuals to engage users. Encouraging happy clients to leave reviews serves as authentic endorsements of your product.

Another effective strategy is to address potential concerns head-on. Providing clear answers to frequently asked questions—whether on your website or through direct communication—helps customers feel more secure in their choices.

A mobile sales app can be instrumental here, allowing your sales team to create and send quotes quickly to prospective customers. This capability streamlines communication and can accelerate decision-making.

Additionally, following up with a gentle reminder from your sales team can reinforce that prospects are valued. A simple message or call keeps your brand fresh in their minds without feeling pushy.

In the decision stage, potential customers evaluate their options before making a purchase. To simplify this process:

  • Transparent comparisons: Create clear comparison charts that highlight the benefits of your product . Present this information in an easily digestible format, focusing on unique advantages without overwhelming details.

  • Streamlined testimonials: Collect and showcase testimonials in a straightforward manner. Create a dedicated page for reviews and success stories, and consider v
    ideo testimonials for a more relatable touch. Real experiences can significantly influence decision-making.

  • Address concerns proactively: Anticipate common objections and prepare responses. Establish an FAQ section on your website that addresses these concerns upfront, fostering trust and transparency to ease decision anxiety.

Action stage

The action stage represents the moment of truth when customers are ready to make a purchase. At this point, it’s essential to ensure the process is easy and straightforward.

Review and streamline your online checkout process to enhance user-friendliness. Consider how a mobile sales app can simplify this process. Many sales apps allow both your sales reps and customers to efficiently navigate orders. When customers can log in and place their orders directly using an app, it enhances convenience and contributes to a smoother buying experience.

Encourage your sales team to reach out to leads who seem on the verge of making a decision. A quick call or text offering assistance can provide the reassurance needed to finalise the sale. With easy access to order details, inventory confirmation, and the ability to process orders quickly via a mobile app, your team can ensure a hassle-free purchasing experience.

Here’s how to streamline the action stage:

  • Simplified navigation: Ensure your purchasing process is as straightforward as possible. Minimise the number of steps required to complete a purchase on your website, using clear calls to action and concise instructions at every step.

  • Real-Time support: Make sure your sales team is available to assist customers in finalising their purchases. Encourage proactive communication with prospects who are in the buying stage by offering help through phone calls or chat options.

Post-sale follow-up

Once a sale is completed, it’s essential to keep focusing on the customer. The post-sale phase is equally vital, offering opportunities to thank customers for their purchase and gather feedback on their experiences. This interaction reinforces that their opinion matters.

After a sale, continuing the relationship is vital. Here’s how to ensure effective post-sale engagement:

  • Structured follow-up plan: Develop a structured follow-up strategy with scheduled reminders for your sales team to check back with new customers. Sending a thank-you message along with a feedback request can reinforce the importance of their experience.

  • Feedback gathering: Use surveys to collect feedback on their purchase experience. This not only makes customers feel valued but also provides insights into areas for improvement.

  • Loyalty programs: Consider implementing a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers. Simple incentives—like discounts on future purchases—can encourage them to return.

Evaluation and improvement

Regular evaluation of your sales process is beneficial as you implement changes. Keep an eye on how long it takes for potential customers to move through each stage and identify any points where they tend to drop off. Understanding these patterns equips you to refine your approach continually.

Many mobile sales apps come equipped with analytical tools to monitor key performance metrics, such as sales performance and customer ordering patterns. This data can help inform your strategy and guide future decision-making.


Optimising your sales process, while no small feat, creates a more inviting journey for your customers, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty. By focusing on each stage of the sales funnel and considering how tools like a mobile sales app can enhance your efforts, you’ll find that the process can become simpler and more productive.

Each phase plays a role in nurturing and strengthening your relationship with the customer. From creating quality content that raises awareness to ensuring a smooth purchasing experience and following up afterward, your goal should be to build connections that last. As your sales process becomes clearer and easier for everyone involved, you’re likely to see better results and happier customers.

Integrating a mobile B2B sales app like Onsight into your sales process can really boost your team’s efficiency when managing customer orders. With Onsight, sales reps can showcase new products and quickly create orders and quotes on the go—whether they’re on the road or at a tradeshow—making order management effortless, even when they’re offline. Sign up for a free trial If you’re curious about how Onsight can simplify your operations.