Speeding up order processing: Why it matters and how to achieve it

Posted in Sales techniques and processes.

When you think about running a successful business, order processing might not always be the first thing that comes to mind. However, it’s one of the key elements that can really make a difference in how your business performs.

You might see order processing as just a routine task, but speeding it up can bring many benefits.

Why speeding up order processing matters

Orders coming in means your business is doing well. Each order represents a customer who wants your product. But what happens when this process doesn’t go smoothly? Problems with order processing can lead to delays that frustrate your customers. And in today’s market, a frustrated customer can quickly become an ex-customer.

Speeding up order processing helps orders get out to customers faster. It reduces the chances of mistakes happening while handling the orders. By getting orders out the door faster, your stock moves quicker, which can also help with cash flow. Plus, when customers receive their orders quickly, they are more likely to stick around and order again in the future.

There are other benefits too. Improved order processing can help your staff be more productive. When things are running smoothly, your team can focus more on other tasks that need attention. Also, having efficient order processing can give you a better understanding of your stock levels, helping keep track of what’s selling well and what’s not.

How to speed up order processing

You might be wondering how you can make your order processing faster. There are several steps you can take. These steps together can make a big difference and help you avoid issues that slow things down.

Invest in a good order management system

One of the first steps is to invest in a good order management system. These systems can automate many parts of the order process. They can process orders, and update stock levels. With this automation, you can cut down on the time it takes to recognise and fulfil an order.

But not all order management systems are the same. You need to find one that fits your business needs. Some systems work better for small businesses, while others cater to larger operations. Take the time to look at different options and choose one that will help your business in the long run.

As Ben Stevens, an industry expert with over 20 years in supply chain management, puts it, “Choosing the right order management system is like choosing the right tools for construction. The better the tools, the better the build.”

Train your staff

While technology can help a lot, trained staff are also important. Your team needs to know how to use the order management system. Regular training sessions can keep everyone on the same page. As systems update, provide refresher courses so that your staff can use all the latest features.

Don’t underestimate the knowledge that your experienced staff can share with new team members. Pairing experienced staff with new hires can help the new employees learn faster and better understand the processes.

Improve communication with suppliers

Your suppliers play a big role in your order processing speed. If they don’t deliver stock on time, it impacts your ability to fulfil orders quickly. Building strong relationships with your suppliers can make a big difference.

Keep an open line of communication. Share your expectations and ask about theirs. When both sides know what’s expected, things tend to run more smoothly. It might also help to have a few backup suppliers. This way, if one supplier falls through, you have another option to keep things moving.

Regularly review and optimise the process

Take time to regularly review your order processing system. Look at the data to find any bottlenecks. Are there steps that seem to slow things down? Are there issues that come up often?

Try to look for patterns. If certain types of orders always seem to be delayed, find out why. This kind of review can help you identify what needs to be changed. By addressing these issues as they come up, you can keep things moving smoothly.

Use clear and simple procedures

Having clear and simple procedures helps everyone understand their role. When everyone knows what they’re supposed to do, it makes the process run faster.

Write down the steps involved in order processing. Make sure these instructions are easy to follow. When everyone knows what needs to be done, they can carry out their tasks more quickly and accurately.

Using technology to your advantage

Technology offers tools to speed up order processing. Some systems can scan barcodes, check stock levels, and even forecast future stock needs. These tools take time and error out of the process.

Mobile sales apps can also have a big impact. Sales teams can process orders on the go, right from their mobile devices, speeding up order entry. Apps can connect directly to your order management system, reducing delays and errors associated with manual order taking.

Industry expert Sarah Johnson, who specialises in tech solutions for wholesale distributors, notes, “Mobile sales apps are changing the game for sales teams. They offer real-time data and quick order processing, which can greatly reduce the time it takes to fulfil an order.”

Another technological option is using customer relationship management (CRM) systems. These systems help track customer preferences and order histories. With this information, you can anticipate your customers’ needs and prepare accordingly. When orders come in, you can fulfil them more quickly because you already have the products ready.

Benefits felt by customers and staff alike

When your order process speeds up, customers notice. Fast service keeps customers happy and loyalty improves as a result. When orders arrive promptly without issues, customers feel they can trust your business. This trust often leads to repeat business and even referrals to other customers.

Staff also benefit from faster order processing. They spend less time dealing with order issues and have more time for other important tasks. This can increase job satisfaction as their workday becomes less stressful. A smooth process helps to keep morale high.

Keeping an eye on the future

Improving order processing is not a one-time task. Keep looking for new ways to improve. Stay open to new ideas and new technologies that might offer even better solutions. Regularly update your systems and methods as better options become available.

The market and customer preferences can change. Being flexible and adaptable is key. Keep gathering data and feedback from both customers and staff. Use this information to make your order processing even better.

To finish off

Speeding up order processing is more than just about getting products out the door. It’s about running a business smoothly and keeping customers happy. With a mix of good systems, training, and continuous review, you can make a real difference to how your business operates. This focus on improvement can help maintain both customer satisfaction and staff well-being.

Start by taking small steps to see where you can make the quickest gains. Gradually, you can implement more advanced solutions as needed. The goal is to always keep looking ahead, making sure you’re giving both your customers and your staff the best experience possible.

Let’s wrap up with a quick checklist:

  • Invest in a good order management system that fits your business size and needs.
  • Ensure regular staff training to keep everyone updated on the latest system features.
  • Improve communication with suppliers to avoid stock delays.
  • Conduct regular reviews of your order processing to identify and fix bottlenecks.
  • Use clear and simple written procedures that everyone can follow.
  • Consider adopting technologies like CRM systems and mobile sales apps to speed up order entry and fulfilment.

The Onsight sales app lets your sales team handle orders directly from their phones, which helps cut down on delays and mistakes, making the whole process faster. Interested in seeing how it can help your business? Sign up for a free trial