The costs of manual order entry: Why It’s time to automate sales

Posted in B2B sales & distribution.

Many businesses still stick with manual order entry, even though technology has come a long way. This means taking customer orders by hand, whether it’s through phone calls, emails, or written notes.

While this might seem simple, it leads to a lot of issues that can hurt productivity, accuracy, and customer satisfaction.

What are the costs and problems of manual order entry?

Let’s first look at some common problems that come up with manual order entry.

Human error

One major issue is human error. It’s all too easy to make mistakes like entering incorrect quantities, using the wrong product codes, or misreading addresses. For example, one small typo can result in sending the wrong item.

Fixing these mistakes takes time and can frustrate both employees and customers.

Research from the Aberdeen Group shows that about 30% of order errors happen because of manual processes. This is a significant number that can lead to financial losses and trust issues with customers.

If customers keep receiving incorrect orders, they may feel they can’t rely on a business. In a competitive market, this could drive them to choose other options.

Time-consuming processes

Next, let’s think about the time wasted on manual order entry. Entering orders by hand can take ages. Employees could spend valuable hours processing orders rather than working on other important tasks.

There’s a limit to how much an employee can handle in a day. When a business tries to grow without automating the order entry, it might face challenges and struggle to scale efficiently.

According to a study by the Institute of Finance and Management (IOFM), businesses can save up to 70% of the time spent on order entry by using automated systems.

By setting up automation for your sales process, employees can focus on more valuable activities, like customer service and developing strategies for growth.

Data management challenges

Keeping track of orders, customer details, and stock can quickly become overwhelming when done manually. Paper documents can get lost or damaged, making it hard to find information when needed.

Some businesses might use spreadsheets to manage orders, but those require regular updates and can easily become outdated.

This confusion can lead to overselling products, especially if stock levels aren’t accurate. Research from Gartner suggests that companies without accurate inventory tracking can lose as much as 20% in sales. Overselling leads to unfulfilled orders, creating complaints and negative reviews.

The effect on consumer trust

The costs connected with manual order entry go beyond just errors and wasted time. These inefficiencies can also affect customer loyalty and brand reputation over time.

If a customer consistently receives the wrong orders or faces long delays, they’re likely to take their business elsewhere. Building and maintaining positive relationships is crucial, and the issues stemming from manual processes put that at risk.

Employee strain and burnout

Another often overlooked aspect is the mental strain manual order entry puts on employees. Handling orders this way can feel repetitive and dull.

Over time, this can lead to burnout, negatively affecting job performance. Automating this process lightens the load for staff and allows them to focus on more fulfilling tasks.

How does automation in sales fix these manual order entry challenges?

This is where mobile sales apps come into play. These apps make the order entry process much easier. For instance, sales representatives can take orders right from their mobile devices, reducing the need for manual input.

This means orders can be made anytime and anywhere, simplifying the process for both staff and customers.

Time savings

Using apps like this reduces the chances of making mistakes. The technology allows for scanning barcodes, automatically entering the correct information.

With fewer human errors, employees spend less time double-checking orders. This results in customers receiving their orders correctly and on time, enhancing their overall experience.

By automating the order entry process, businesses not only reduce errors but also build trust with their customers. When an order is accurate and delivered on time, customer satisfaction rises, leading to repeat business and referrals.

A study by PwC found that customers who have good experiences with a brand are 77% more likely to recommend it to others. In today’s marketplace, where loyalty is key, this can significantly benefit a business.

Improved data management

Another benefit is how these mobile apps manage data in real-time. When an order is placed, inventory levels update immediately. This instant update helps prevent overselling and ensures customers get accurate information about product availability.

As consumers increasingly expect quick service, businesses must provide real-time data to keep them satisfied.

Informed decision making

Mobile sales apps also make it easier for companies to analyse order patterns over time. The data collected helps management identify what’s popular and make informed decisions.

For example, businesses can track which items sell best and adjust stock accordingly, ensuring they meet demand without the headaches that manual entry can cause.

Supporting employees

When employees can focus on work that requires human insight, it boosts morale and engagement. Happier employees typically provide better customer service, creating a positive cycle that benefits everyone involved.


As we move further into a more digital future, businesses that recognise the benefits of automation are likely to thrive.

Sales apps help tackle the challenges of manual order entry while preparing companies for growth. Those that resist adapting to new technologies risk falling behind—especially as customer expectations continue to shift.

Investing in technology does carry initial costs, but the long-term advantages usually outweigh these. Savings from fewer errors and improved accuracy add up quickly.

Plus, the time and resources freed up by automation can be directed towards more valuable activities that contribute to business success.

To sum it all up, the drawbacks of manual order entry are clear. Issues like mistakes, wasted time, data confusion, and employee dissatisfaction create a frustrating environment.

By automating order entry, companies can become more accurate, save time, and build stronger relationships with their customers.

As the business environment continues to evolve, those who automate will likely find themselves in a better position than those who stick with outdated methods. Now is a great time to take that step toward practices that lead to improved performance and happier customers.

Onsight offers a user-friendly mobile sales app designed to help businesses move away from manual order entry, improving order accuracy and speeding up the entire ordering process. This tool is suitable for various industries, simplifying order management and enhancing efficiency. Interested in seeing how it works? Sign up for a free trial