What top sales reps do that you can do too

Posted in Sales techniques and processes.

Sales is a profession that requires skill, patience, and a strong ability to connect with others. Many people want to do well in sales, but they often feel lost on how to reach their goals. When it comes to sales, many of us look to the top performers for inspiration.

These individuals stand out because they know what works. Looking at what successful sales representatives do can provide useful lessons to help boost your sales skills.

To understand how to improve your own sales approach, let’s explore some specific habits and techniques that top sales performers consistently practise.

Understand your product and market

Know what you are selling

One of the first steps to selling effectively is to master the details of the products or services you offer. Understanding the features, benefits, and limitations of what you are selling allows you to respond promptly and accurately to customer questions. . It helps if you can explain how your product solves specific problems.

Spend time reviewing your product’s specifications, benefits, and any common customer complaints. Think about the specific ways it can help different types of clients. Consider preparing some examples or case studies that show how your product has made a difference for others.

Keep updated on the market environment

Also, regularly check industry news, read market reports, and take note of any changes that might affect your customers. This information helps you tailor your pitch, making it relevant to your audience by allowing you to speak confidently and shows your clients that you are invested in their needs. When you talk about your product, ensuring it aligns with current market needs will make your pitch more convincing.

Read articles, follow industry news, and join online forums. Regularly immerse yourself in information that keeps you updated. This knowledge will help when speaking with clients, as you can offer insights beyond just selling your product.

Know your customer

Create your ideal customer profile

Knowing your customers is about more than just selling to them. Start by defining who your ideal customer is. Look at their demographics, buying habits, and the challenges they face. Understanding your customer’s pain points enables you to position your product as a solution.

Practise active listening

Instead of thinking about what they will say next, they focus on what the client is saying. This means asking open-ended questions and encouraging the client to express themselves. The more you know about a client’s pain points, the better you can tailor your pitch to address those specific issues.

Try taking notes during your conversations. This will help you remember the details and show your client that you value what they say. You can then refer back to those points in future calls or meetings.

This approach allows you to gather information that can guide your sales pitch. While customers feel valued because their concerns are understood, which builds trust and can lead to long-lasting relationships.

Build relationships and trust

Relationship building

Top sales reps understand that sales is not just about closing a deal. It starts with building a genuine relationship with the client. They spend time getting to know their prospects, learning about their business, and understanding their challenges.

“You don’t close a sale; you open a relationship” – Zig Ziglar, American author and sales person

Zig Ziglar stresses how important it is to build strong relationships with customers instead of just seeing sales as one-time deals. To create those lasting connections, you can:

  • Pay attention to what your customers need and find ways to meet those needs.
  • Check in with them after the sale to make sure they’re happy and to help with any issues
  • Keep supporting them by offering useful resources or assistance.
  • Make your communication personal and connect with them on a human level.

When salespeople focus more on building relationships rather than just making sales, they can turn customers into loyal fans who will support their brand.

Encourage trust with transparency

One way to build trust is by being honest. If the product or service does not fit a client’s needs, top sales reps will say so. This integrity creates a strong foundation for future interactions.

Trust takes time but is well worth the effort. Consider how you can connect with your clients. Could you ask about their interests outside of work or share a relevant story that might resonate with them?

Set clear goals and track progress

Set objectives with SMART

Successful sales reps set clear goals. Use the SMART method to create objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Instead of saying, “I want to sell more,” think about what that means for you. Perhaps set a target of bringing in five new clients in three months. Write down your goals and refer back to them regularly to track your progress. Which brings us to reflecting on results.

“A goal properly set is halfway reached” – Zig Ziglar, american author and salesman

He explains that if you want to be successful in sales, setting goals are non-negotiable he outlines it in the following way:

Zig Ziglar really highlighted how important it is to set goals if you want to be successful in sales. Here’s how to set effective and reachable sales goals:

  • Clearly define what you want to achieve, making sure it’s something you can measure.
  • Give yourself deadlines to create a sense of urgency.
  • Break big goals into smaller, easier tasks that you can manage.
  • Make a plan to reach those goals and check your progress regularly.
  • Be open to adjusting your goals if things change.

When salespeople set clear goals, it helps them stay focused and motivated, boosting their chances of success in sales.

Reflect on progress

By breaking down yearly targets into monthly and weekly goals, you can keep track of your progress and make adjustments where necessary. Self-assessment is another powerful tool.

Take time to evaluate your sales performance. What strategies worked? What didn’t? Regular reflection allows you to adapt and take informed steps to improve.

Set aside time each week or month to go over your progress. Are you hitting your targets? If not, try to figure out why. Be honest with yourself and open to making changes based on what you learn.

Master sales techniques

Consider consultative selling

Top performers often use various selling techniques to connect with clients. One effective method is consultative selling. Instead of pushing a product, focus on understanding the customer’s needs and guiding them toward a solution.

This way, your pitch feels more personal and relevant.

Research possible techniques and experiment

“Sales is an experiment – there’s no right or wrong, just varying degrees of effectiveness. Our job is to constantly seek ways we can increase our effectiveness.” – Jill Konath

Experiment with various methods and pay attention to customer reactions to determine what works best for each situation. For example, developing different closing techniques can enhance your sales process.

Practice makes a big difference here, so don’t shy away from role-playing scenarios with a colleague to sharpen your skills.

Do regular follow-ups

Following up after a sales call or meeting is crucial. Many clients need time to make decisions, and a gentle reminder can help keep your product in their minds. Top salespeople schedule their follow-ups instead of waiting to see if a lead will reach out.

Create a follow-up schedule for each client. This could be a week after a meeting or a month after sending them information. Be polite and keep your messages relevant. Share updates or new information that might interest them.

Use technology and data

Use the technology you have available

Technology plays a significant role in just about every industry and sales is no different. Many successful salespeople use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools. These tools help keep track of clients, contacts, and sales activities. They make it easier to manage follow-ups and keep all information in one place.

If you haven’t started using a CRM system, consider trying one. If your company lacks a designated system there are options for you to personally keep track of important information or you could suggest that your company invests in technology and software that supports the sales process. Whether it’s a basic spreadsheet or a more advanced tool, having a clear overview of your clients can help keep you organised and focused.

Using technology can really help sales reps do their jobs better. Another example is Onsight’s sales ordering app that makes it easier for distributors and wholesalers to handle orders while they’re out meeting clients. With this app, sales reps can show customers new products and quickly create orders or quotes, even when they don’t have internet access. This can be a helpful way to stay organised and connect with customers.

Use the data

Data analytics can also provide key insights into customer behaviour. Look at purchase history and preferences to tailor your approach. For example, if you notice someone often buys a particular product, you can suggest complementary products or services based on that data.

Embrace online networking

Know the value of networking, especially online. Social media platforms like LinkedIn allow you to connect with potential clients and other professionals in your field. Sharing content or engaging in discussions can position you as an expert in your area.

Try to become active on platforms where your target audience spends time. Engage with their posts and share what you find interesting. This can help you build relationships even before you interact directly with prospects.

Continuous learning and adaptation

Invest in learning

Continuing education is common among successful salespeople. They often attend workshops, read books, or participate in online courses to sharpen their skills. This commitment to learning helps them stay ahead in a competitive field.

Look for resources that can help you develop your skills. Many platforms offer free or low-cost courses in sales techniques, negotiation, and more. Set aside some time each week or month to focus on learning something new.

Get feedback to identify areas of improvement

Seek feedback regularly from both colleagues and customers. Constructive criticism helps you see what you can improve upon and gives you fresh perspectives on your approach. Keep an open mind; the willingness to learn can lead to significant growth.

Time management and organisation

Manage your time properly

Top performers often manage their time well. They have a plan for their day and prioritise their tasks. This helps them stay focused on what will lead to sales. They understand that not every task requires the same amount of time or attention.

Managing your time well is critical for success in sales. One method to help is the Eisenhower Matrix, which allows you to prioritise tasks based on urgency and importance. Focusing on high-impact activities drives results. There are many tips and tricks that can help you improve your time management and productivity.

Create a routine that works

Establish a daily routine to create a structured approach to your work. Start by evaluating how you spend your time. Are some activities taking longer than they should? Consider creating a daily or weekly planner.

Set aside certain hours for tasks like cold calling, meetings, and following up with clients. A consistent routine can help you stay organised and focused on your goals.

Key takeaways

There is no single secret to becoming a top salesperson. Instead, it involves a mix of relationship-building, product knowledge, personal organisation, goal-setting, technology use, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Reflect on your own practices and see where you can make small changes. Each step can lead you closer to your sales goals. Start today, and you may be surprised at what you can achieve by following in the footsteps of the best in the business.

Onsight has a B2B ordering app that assists distributors and wholesalers in managing their orders while in the field. With this app, sales reps can show their customers different products and quickly create orders or quotes, even when they don’t have internet access.
If you’re curious about how this sales app for reps can make your sales process easier and faster, you can sign up for a free trial to check it out.