The goal - to simplify purchase ordering
The stores and delis that order from Steins Foods need to be serviced on a regular basis. This includes a weekly sales visit to find out which products are running low, capturing an order from the proprietor, submitting those orders to the Steins Foods warehouse, and then ensuring that the correct stock items are delivered to the correct store.

In recent years, this process has grown to be quite painstaking for the Steins Foods sales reps due to the large number of stores that needed to be covered as well as due to the large number of items in the Steins Foods catalogue. Sales reps were spending all day traveling to stores to collect orders and then having to waste valuable time back at the office processing paperwork. Steins Foods wanted their sales process to be made more time-efficient and less dependent on unnecessary paperwork.
The result - a paperless order-taking system
Steins Foods chose Onsight's mobile sales system to create an efficient and paper-less order-taking system for their sales reps. When the Steins Foods sales reps download the Onsight sales app onto their mobile devices, it provides them with not only a full mobile product catalog containing all 500+ product items but also a means with which to generate client orders on-site. These orders are then immediately sent back to head office via the cloud. Here the orders are printed and given to the packing team for quick collation. This way orders are processed without the need for the sales reps to return to the office to fill in or submit paperwork.
The Onsight team also customised the order printouts so that the process of packing the orders was made easier for the team at the Steins Foods warehouse. These packing slip printouts not only improved efficiency in the warehouse but also provided a way for the sales team to communicate with the warehouse team to relay special requests and other order specifics. All of Steins Foods sales orders are securely stored in the cloud which means data is safe and can be accessed from anywhere. Orders now flow from deli's to warehouse completely electronically. This provides cost savings for Steins Foods as well as a valuable advantage over competitors.
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