Click on the ‘Products’ tab at the top and select ‘Sales’ from the drop-down menu.
Click on the drop-down at the top of the screen to choose the time period for the report. The options are: “All time”, “Last year”, “Past 12 months”, “This year”, “Last month”, “Past 30 days”, “This month”, “Last week”, “This week”, “Yesterday”, “Today”.
Click on the drop-down at the top of the screen to choose a sales rep.
You will be presented with a table that lists of all the products sold by that sales rep for the specific time period.
Click on the ‘Export to Excel’ link at the top of the table to download the data to an Excel file.
Click on the ‘Export to CSV’ link at the top of the table to download the data to a CSV file.
Click on the product name or on the graphs icon to see the product sales values for this rep graphed over time.
Click on the customer icon to see which customers this rep sold that product to.