How do I add and update users?

  • Log in to the Onsight web console at
  • Click ‘Setup’ from the left-hand side menu.
  • Click on the ‘Manage Users’ menu item.
  • To add a new user, click on the ‘Add User’ button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  • To update an existing user, click on the name of the user, click the ‘Edit’ button, make your changes and then click the ‘Save’ button.
  • To delete an existing user, click on the name of the user and then click the ‘Delete’ button.

For each user you can specify a range of configuration options.

  • If you are creating a login for a sales rep or other staff member then leave ‘Is Customer Login’ set to ‘No’. If you are creating a login for a customer to be able to self-order then change ‘Is Customer Login’ to ‘Yes’.
  • You are required to fill in a name and email address for each new user.
  • Creating a password for the user is optional. If you leave the password blank a confirmation email will be sent to the user containing a link to activate the account and for them to choose a password themselves. This option is more secure. If you fill in a password you need to personally contact the user to provide them with the login details.
  • Choose an ‘Access Type’ for your user. For sales reps, choose ‘User’. For the person managing the system, choose ‘Administrator’.