How do I allow my sales reps to edit customer notes?

In Onsight, customers are allocated to specific sales reps. If a sales rep has been allocated to a customer account then they will be able to access that customer account in the app and view the note for that customer.

In Onsight, by default, only administrators can add or edit customer accounts. In order to allow sales reps to add or edit customer accounts, a config setting needs to be changed. Once this setting is enabled, sales reps will be able to edit the customer notes for the customer accounts that have been allocated to them.

Here’s how you allow your sales reps to add customers and edit their notes:

  • Log in to the Onsight web console ( as an Admin.
  • Click on ‘Setup’ from the left-hand side menu.
  • Click on ‘Configuration’ in the dropdown that has appeared.
  • Scroll down to the ‘Allow sales reps to add and update customers’ field.
  • Click in the checkbox.
  • Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page.

All your sales reps should now be able to add customer notes to the customer profile.

Related articles:
How do I manage customer notes in the web console?