By default, products are displayed in alphabetical order in Onsight. You can change the product sort order to sort by product description, SKU, barcode, product code, price, cost price, and last modified date.
Choose your product sort order
To choose how you want products to be sorted:
- Log in to the Onsight web console at
- Click on ‘Setup’ from the left-hand side menu.
- Scroll down to ‘Product Sort Order’.
- You can choose from Name, Description, SKU, Barcode, Product Code, Price, Cost Price, and Last Modified Date.
- Choose either ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’.
- Click ‘Save’.
In the app, after the initial install, products will appear as you have chosen. After that, users are able to choose their own product sort order. See How can I change the sort order of products in the app.
In the web console, products will always appear as per your setting above.
Setting up a custom product sort order
If none of the existing product sort options work for you, you can display your products in a custom sort order. This is more work but it gives you greater flexibility and control over your product display. To set up a custom product sort order, follow the steps below.
Enable the custom sort option
To get started, the first step is to enable the custom option for product sorting.
- Log in to the Onsight web console at
- Click on ‘Setup’ from the left-hand side menu.
- Scroll down to ‘Product Sort Order’ and select ‘Custom’.
- Choose either ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’.
- Click ‘Save’.
Bulk update your custom product sort order
To access the bulk upload tool for custom sorting your products:
- Log in to the Onsight web console at
- Click on ‘Import & export data’ from the left-hand side menu.
- Click on the ‘Products’ menu item.
- Click on ‘Product sort’
- This will open up the 4-step bulk upload tool.
Step 1: Download the product sort data sheet
Click on ‘Download’. This step will download a list of existing products on your account with a column for ‘Position’ that you can use to force your custom product sort order. Once done, click on ‘Continue’.
Step 2: Change the product sort data
Open the datasheet on your computer. Each row in your spreadsheet represents one of your products. In the ‘Position’ column, edit the cells with numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) to specify the order in which you want your products to appear in the app. Save the datasheet on your computer. Once done, click on ‘Continue’.
Step 3: Upload the product sort data sheet
Save your file. Click on the ‘+’ button and select your saved datasheet on your computer. Once done, click on ‘Continue’.
Step 4: Import the data
Click the ‘Import’ button to start the import process. Your datasheet will be analysed and validated. Once the import job progress is at 100%, click on either:
‘For review – view and approve this job’. If your datasheet passes validation, you will see a list of updates that will be applied once you approve the import job. If everything is correct, click ‘Approve Job’ and your data will be imported into the database.
‘Failed – view the job’. If the datasheet fails validation, a list of errors will appear, which you must correct before uploading it again. For example, if your position is not a valid number the import job will fail. Click on ‘Cancel Job’ and correct the data in your upload datasheet and then start at Step 3 again.
What to do for new products?
When you add new products to your catalogue, you can repeat the bulk update process listed above to allocate a position for each new product. Alternatively, you can just give each new product it’s own sort order number individually.
- Log in to the Onsight web console at
- Click on ‘Manage you data’ from the left-hand side menu.
- Click on the ‘Products’ menu item.
- Find the new products and click ‘Edit’
- Go to the ‘Sales Configuration’ tab.
- Edit the ‘Sort order’ field.
- Type in a number that reflects where you want the item to appear in the list of products.
- Click ‘Save’.
How are product categories sorted?
Product categories are displayed alphabetically. If you prefer to present them in a manner other than alphabetical, you can place ’01.’ , ’02.’ , etc. in front of the product category names to force a specific sort order.