How to create a multi-customer user

First create a customer login user as per the usual process.

Then follow these extra steps to add additional customers to your customer login user:

  • Log in to the Onsight web console at
  • Click on ‘Setup’ from the left hand menu
  • Click on ‘Manage Users’.
  • Find your customer login for whom you want to add additional customers and click on the name.
  • Click on ‘Edit’ in the top right.
  • Click into the field ‘Additional Customers’, type the name of the customer you want to add, and select it from the dropdown list.
  • You can add multiple customers to this field.
  • Scroll to the bottom and click ‘Update’ to complete the process.

Note: The ‘Additional Customers’ field is only available when you have the ‘Multi-customer user’ feature enabled on your account. Extra fees apply for this special type of user. Contact the Onsight team at [email protected] to activate this feature on your account.