What to do after connecting Xero to an empty Onsight account?

If you have connected Xero to your new Onsight account that does not contain any product or customer information, then follow these next steps to complete the setup of your account.

Create your product categories

You will see a new product category folder in the Browse Product Catalogue screen called ‘Imported from Xero’. This contains all your products that were copied from Xero. You can now create your own product categories and move your products to these categories.

Any new products that you create in the future will appear in the ‘Imported from Xero’ folder. You should mark this product category as inactive so that it does not display in the Onsight app. Then move all the products that you find there to the correct product category that you want them to belong to.

Here are links to guides on how to do all of the above actions:

How to add new product categories in Onsight
How to make the ‘Imported from Xero’ folder inactive
How to allocate a single product to a product category
How to bulk allocate your products into product categories

Upload your product images

Xero does not contain any product images so you will need to upload your images into Onsight.

Here are links to guides on how to do that:

How do I add an image for a product?
How do I bulk upload my images?

Supplement your product information

We copy several product data fields from Xero. Any changes you make to these fields in Onsight will be lost when we copy data from Xero. Therefore, you should not change any of these fields in Onsight:

  • Product name
  • Product description
  • Cost price
  • Price
  • Taxable
  • Applied taxes
  • Stock
  • Product code

Onsight has many additional product fields that can be used in the Onsight app. Any changes you make to these fields in Onsight will not be lost when we copy data from Xero. This is the additional information that you can add in Onsight:

  • Upload product images
  • Create new product categories
  • Allocate products to new or different product categories
  • Add an SKU
  • Add quantity increments/multiples
  • Create master products
  • Add minimum and maximum order quantities
  • Add product custom fields
  • Configure product availability
  • Configure price lists for customers
  • Configure discounts for customers
  • Link products

Here are links to guides on how to update these additional fields one product at a time and how to bulk update these additional fields for all your products.

Allocate your customers to sales reps

Before your sales reps can create orders for your customers, you need to allocate each customer to a specific sales rep. You can use our customer bulk upload tool to easily allocate your users to your customers. Please see this guide on how to bulk update your customers.

Sync the data to your mobile device

When you log into your account on your mobile device after the integration has completed, the initial sync might take a few minutes depending on the number of products, images, and customers that you have. Once all the new Xero data has synced to the device, every subsequent login will only take a few seconds.

Create a test order or test quote

You can now create orders and quotes in Onsight which will sync to Xero within a few minutes. Please go ahead and test this and let us know if you encounter any problems.

Further customisation

We offer many further customisation options for your integration between Onsight and Xero. Please see this list of available Xero customisations for more details.