5 informative sales-related YouTube channels to explore

Posted in Marketing and social media.

Sometimes you just don’t have the time to sit down and read a whole book to keep your sales training up-to-date. So, why not turn to YouTube for your sales fix? There are many channels out there that can give you bite-sized information that is truly useful. We’ve taken the time to browse YouTube and found these six sales-related channels for you to enjoy:

Victor Antonio


Victor Antonio is a sales and motivation keynote speaker, sales executive, and the CEO of a successful tech company. He has almost 800 videos uploaded to his channel and they are mostly kept to bite-sized videos under 10 minutes long. He covers a wide range of sales-related topics, and there are also some longer videos of events that he appeared at.

Jeffrey Gitomer’s Sales Training Channel


Another prolific sales-related channel is that of Jeffrey Gitomer. He shares his expertise on sales, customer loyalty, and personal development. He is also an author with many best-selling books including The Sales Bible and The Little Red Book of Selling. He has videos featuring questions asked by subscribers or clients to which he replies in a quick, rapid-fire manner. Not only does he have videos on sales advice, but his channel also features some of the seminars he speaks at.

Derek Halpern


Sales has a lot to do with knowing what goes on in your customer’s mind and how you can use it to your advantage. On Derek Halpern’s channel the focus is firmly on how psychology and human behaviour patterns can influence your sales strategy and marketing. He has videos on how to price effectively, how to negotiate with and persuade customers to buy, and how to get more customers.

Grant Cardone


Grant Cardone is a motivational speaker and author with a focus on creating sales success and moving to the top using modern techniques. He has been on many shows including Confessions of an Entrepreneur and Power Players, and even has his own television network called Grant Cardone TV. His latest endeavour is called Young Hustlers, which is also available on his YouTube channel. Here, he focuses more on Millennials and people starting out by giving fresh advice to counteract stale, outdated ideas about sales.

Sales in a NY Minute


Sales in a NY Minute is a channel presented by Jennifer Gluckow. She is a New York-based sales, social selling, and networking expert. Her channel is less than a year old but it is growing fast. Her videos are short and to-the-point with easy tips on networking, achieving sales success, and increasing sales. Additionally, her website and blog (http://www.salesinanyminute.com/blog/) is also worth checking out.