How do I bulk upload packs?

Our web console provides a tool to upload your packs in bulk. Before you use this tool, it is best to upload a single pack so that you understand what is being done behind the scenes. Here are the instructions for how to add a single pack.

To access the pack bulk upload tool:

  • Log in to the Onsight web console at
  • Click on ‘Catalogue’ from the left-hand side menu
  • Click on the ‘Manage Packs’ menu item
  • Click on the ‘Action’ button at the top of the screen and then click on ‘Import Packs’
  • This will open up the 4-Step bulk upload tool

Step 1: Download your data

If you have already got some pack information in Onsight, then this step will download all that information for you so that you can make and upload changes. If you have no existing data you will need to download the datasheet anyway so that you will know how to structure your pack datasheet for uploading into Onsight. So click the “Download” button and save the spreadsheet somewhere you will find it easily.

Step 2: Edit the datasheet

Each row in your spreadsheet represents one of your packs. Each column contains some important information about your pack. Let’s go through them one by one.

Onsight ID

Onsight ID is the unique number we give to each one of your packss in the Onsight Database. Why is it in this sheet? Well, it helps us to know which packs you want to update when you want to change your data. For example if you want to change the name, description, product code and other information relating to a specific pack, we would not be able to know WHICH pack’s information to change without the Onsight ID.

If you’re uploading new packs, leave this column blank. If you’re updating existing ones, then keep the same Onsight ID that was downloaded in the sheet to start with.

Pack Code, Barcode & SKU

Everyone uses different combinations of codes to track their packs. You can use all three or none, it is up to you.

Pack Name

Fill in the pack name here.

Image URL

Onsight is a visual selling tool so we need images for each of your packs. To upload images in bulk you need to make them available on the Internet and include the URL to the pack image in the upload spreadsheet. An example of an image URL is : ‘’ .

If you have your own web server, ask your website designer to upload all of your pack images there and then type the link to the image into the Image URL field of the pack import spreadsheet.


Enter your pack’s price here excluding any taxes.


Be as wordy as you like – this is your chance to get detailed product information distributed to all your sales reps.

Is Active & Is Featured

Set both of these to “Yes” or “No”. Featured items are given a more prominent display in your catalog. Inactive items are withdrawn from the catalogue so they no longer get displayed.

External ID

This is used for integration purposes. Unless you have integrated your systems into ours, then leave this field blank.

Applied Taxes

This is where you specify which taxes must be applied to the pack. Of course, you need to have set up the taxes first. Then you can fill in the tax name into this field. To set up your taxes, follow this article.

Stock Availability

This is where you can specify the number of items in stock. This gets displayed in the product catalogue for the sales reps to see. This value does not decrease as orders are placed.

Pack Categories

Each pack needs to live inside a category or sub-category. Enter the names of your categories in these columns to create your category structure and allocate each pack to its proper place. Some rules to be aware of:

  • Categories cannot contain both subcategories and packs. Therefore, if a category already has packs in it, you can’t create a new subcategory, and if it already has subcategories you won’t be able to add packs to it.

Custom Fields

The custom field columns will only appear if you have defined custom fields for your packs and if you have created some values for those custom fields. The columns will be named: ‘Custom Field Name 1’ and ‘Custom Field Value 1’ , etc.

Custom fields allow you to store additional information for each of your packs. This will then be displayed in the catalogue on the mobile app. It can also be displayed on your orders and quotes. Custom fields can be added by inserting additional columns after the categories columns.

Step 3: Upload Data Sheet

Save your file. Then select its location on your computer, and upload it to Onsight for processing.

Step 4: Import Pack Data

Once you click the “Import” button your spreadsheet will be analysed and validated.

If your spreadsheet passes validation you will be shown a list of updates that will happen once you approve the import job, and you will be able to approve it so that the datasheet is actually processed and your pack information imported. If the spreadsheet fails, you will be shown a list of errors to rectify before uploading it all again. If everything is OK – hit “Approve Job” and all your information will be imported into the database.

Check on your import jobs

To see the status of all your import jobs, go to Setup > Import Jobs and you will see them all listed.

Still have questions?

If you are still uncertain of how to proceed or if you encounter any problems email us at [email protected] and we will help you through the process step-by-step.